Stef Bon stefbon at
Fri Sep 21 04:08:04 BST 2018


Op wo 11 jul. 2018 om 01:06 schreef Lays Rodrigues <lays.rodrigues at>:
> What we need is a guideline that everyone can understand and follow. We need to be a team. We need to put our pride by the side and discuss every view that one has on the subject.

Yes of course.

> Isn't just 'we don’t dimension that a graphic design that took us 2 hours to make will take 6 months to deliver'.
> It's to understand the macro view of a project, it's to understand how everything is affected by that change. We need to measure that, and that is where I do +1 on your comment about a Project Management. The Agile Method has a lot of good practices that we can study and adapt for our use case.

Yes indeed.

> Also, if we start to follows 'one leader', that can cause us future problems, as if the burden gets too heavy and so on, or as starting pointing fingers on stuff that we lost track just to have a 'fall guy'.
> We need to share our knowledge and build the common base of that. We can't rely upon one person for that. Otherwise, all the history or the background will get to dust when 'the leader' gets out of the community.
> We can have guidance, but I think that you don't need to take all of that upon you Andy.


To start, we need a location on the Internet, starting with
documentation, where it's easy to write/create (2d at least) drawings
and formulas.

Do you agree?


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