[Breeze] [Bug 174203] Need mail-download-now and mail-download-later icons

Nate Graham bugzilla_noreply at kde.org
Fri Dec 7 17:50:48 GMT 2018


Nate Graham <nate at kde.org> changed:

           What    |Removed                     |Added
          Component|general                     |Icons
                 CC|                            |kainz.a at gmail.com,
                   |                            |nate at kde.org
           Assignee|kde-artists at kde.org         |visual-design at kde.org
            Product|artwork                     |Breeze
            Summary|Download and 'leave on pop  |Need mail-download-now and
                   |server' icons missing in    |mail-download-later icons
                   |the mail download filter    |
                   |(pop )                      |

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