[Breeze] [Bug 384357] Breeze theme Task Manager icon for Virtualbox doesn't match what's shown in the Task Switcher, and departs entirely from the real VirtualBox icon's general appearance

Nate Graham bugzilla_noreply at kde.org
Fri Sep 8 19:40:00 UTC 2017


Nate Graham <pointedstick at zoho.com> changed:

           What    |Removed                     |Added
            Summary|Breeze theme Task Manager   |Breeze theme Task Manager
                   |icon for Virtualbox is      |icon for Virtualbox doesn't
                   |ugly, nondescript, doesn't  |match what's shown in the
                   |match what's shown in the   |Task Switcher, and departs
                   |Task Switcher, and departs  |entirely from the real
                   |entirely from the real      |VirtualBox icon's general
                   |VirtualBox icon's general   |appearance
                   |appearance                  |

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