[Breeze] [Bug 379638] Icon request: equal, unequal and swap

Alex Bikadorov bugzilla_noreply at kde.org
Tue May 9 13:31:34 UTC 2017


--- Comment #5 from Alex Bikadorov <alex.bikadorov at kdemail.net> ---

No problem. Here are more information and screenshots. Should have provided
them earlier.

"Synchronizer" is a tool in Krusader with an own window. It can compare content
of folders and synchronize them. See first screenshot, the icons in question
are marked.

>Show Equal Files - would an equal sign be clear enough or would for 
>example an "equal sign within a document" make more sense (or less)?

I definitely need an icon with only the equal sign (for another use case: show
same folder in both panels; see second screenshot) and it would also better fit
here to other icons next to it (see first screenshot).

>Show Unequal Files - should share some kind of similarity with the 
>Equal Files icon so that both are "connected" in my logic (which is why 
>say a document or file symbol with an equal/unequal sign in it would 
>make more sense in my mind). But maybe that would be muddling the 
>understanding of it.

Yes, there are logically connected - but also with other icons: arrow-right,
arrow-left and trash (= show deleted files). Again: please see screenshot.

>Swap - since that might look like a "reload" icon would say a line in 
>the middle or something that represent the two panels make sense?

Yes. Visualizing the panels would fit here. But maybe its better to make it
more general, so it can be used in other cases/applications. I don't want you
guys to make icons for every single use case.

Thanks again.

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