[Breeze] [Bug 372461] Missing RAR MIME type icon with shared-mime-info 1.7

Elvis Angelaccio bugzilla_noreply at kde.org
Mon Nov 14 11:20:22 UTC 2016


Elvis Angelaccio <elvis.angelaccio at kde.org> changed:

           What    |Removed                     |Added
            Summary|Shared-mime-info 1.7.1      |Missing RAR MIME type icon
                   |unable to show RAR MIME     |with shared-mime-info 1.7
                   |type                        |
                 CC|                            |kainz.a at gmail.com
            Version|16.08.2                     |unspecified
          Component|general                     |Icons
           Assignee|elvis.angelaccio at kde.org    |visual-design at kde.org
            Product|ark                         |Breeze

--- Comment #3 from Elvis Angelaccio <elvis.angelaccio at kde.org> ---
Ok thanks.

@breeze/oxygen devs: both the breeze and oxygen icons are missing a
application-vnd.rar link pointing to the application-x-rar icon.

This is necessary to support the new rar mimetype (application/vnd.rar) that
was introduced by shared-mime-info 1.7

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