Selecting a Plasma logo

kainz.a kainz.a at
Tue Jul 26 10:57:04 UTC 2016

I'm a fan of anditosan circle logo,

cause it fit's in small size as an icon the breeze icon theme (thin 1px
elements) AND it fit's as a logo in larger size like anditosan show with
the logo on different background.

from the semantic point of view the circle logo show best what the word
plasma mean.

My second vote would be the logo/icon from Uri cause I like it to and it
work also as logo and icon.

The idea behind Quiralta logo is nice but in our HIG's is written the color
can't be the only difference.

+1 for anditosan

2016-07-25 20:54 GMT+02:00 Thomas Pfeiffer <thomas.pfeiffer at>:

> Dear Plasma development team, dear VDG,
> the official deadline for the Plasma logo contest has passed yesterday.
> We have five entries into the contest, with one actually consisting of
> five different mash-ups and modifications of the other entries, and one
> being Plasma's current logo.
> You can find all the proposals here:
> I think we have quite a good selection here, and hope that we can find
> something here which we can agree on.
> In the contest thread, I promised a jury consisting of VDG members and
> Plasma team members.
> Now I've decided that since the whole Plasma team has to be able to
> identify themselves with the logo, and all VDG members should have the
> possibility to chip in as well, everyone who participates in the discussion
> is part of the jury.
> There won't be a voting process. Either we can agree on a logo, or
> everything stays like it is (the official Plasma logo still being what we
> have now, and the K logo being used for the launchers).
> I'd give us a discussion period until Sunday, unless a clear agreement can
> be reached before that.
> Please refer to the logo proposals by the creator's forum name (remember
> that our current logo is Uri's, not mine ;) ), and for Ken's just say e.g.
> "Ken's fourth logo".
> Happy discussions, here is to us finding a logo we can all (at least more
> or less) identify with!
> Thomas
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