Fwd: Re: font size in "documentation" tool view
Jens Reuterberg
jensreu at kolabnow.com
Wed Jul 13 14:08:16 UTC 2016
Subject: Re: font size in "documentation" tool view
Date: Wednesday, 13 July 2016, 13:25:36 CEST
From: Jens Reuterberg <jensreu at kolabnow.com>
To: René J.V. Bertin <rjvbertin at gmail.com>
> Golden rule that even VGD members should be aware of: never UNDERestimate
> your users. Just give them an interface that invites exploring it, for
> instance to discover how to tune it to ones liking and needs.
We never make that assumption.
Hence assuming even you you can set it to the size you prefer as well.
> For a DEFAULT, yes ... and even then only if the intended use cases
> correspond to the kind of use cases for which the default was conceived.
Having one little section a different sizing is a bit weird unless it has a
very specific need. Since there are two groups with two different needs
without any clear reasoning beyond "It's supposed to be", and one of those
needs make more sense logicly from a system wide perspective and there is no
other metric, the choice is obvious.
> Unless you're targeting kindergarten or 4th age users of course.
Not that I was previously aware off, no
Unless there is another reasoning why it should be one way or another - the
choice from our POV is clear. I am sure that there may be technical issues
attached with having the font one size larger or smaller but whether they
define which size to use I wouldn't know and quite frankly shouldn't comment
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