RFC: plasma logo as start menu icon and ksplash logo

Thomas Pfeiffer thomas.pfeiffer at email.de
Wed Feb 3 17:31:15 UTC 2016

I had wanted to CC the VDG list, but I used the wrong address. Now with the 
correct one.

On Mittwoch, 3. Februar 2016 18:16:01 CET Thomas Pfeiffer wrote:
> On Mittwoch, 3. Februar 2016 16:24:10 CET David Edmundson wrote:
 > If you mean this one?
 > https://dot.kde.org/sites/dot.kde.org/files/plasma-mobile-logo.png
 > Sure.
 No, not that one.
 That one: https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/9/95/
> Not always with the name, of course.
 > Anything more radical I'm against as it breaks not only our current
 > branding, but all screenshot based tutorials.
 We are currently using the KDE logo with the Plasma brand. This is broken
 branding. If we are to establish Plasma as a brand, we need to use the
 Plasma logo.
 If we keep using the community instead of the product logo all over Plasma,
 we can never break the "KDE = the desktop" misconception.
 And I'm pretty sure people will still recognize that they're using the same
 workspace as shown in tutorials even if the logo in the bottom-left corner
 is different.
 The VDG is really clear that this is our collective advice (I've CCed the
 VDG list so anybody who objects to that could speak up).

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