Selecting a Plasma logo

Ivan Čukić ivan.cukic at
Mon Aug 1 13:24:12 UTC 2016

> The disadvantages of the second one are that the gears become a bit
> muddled in small sizes and it resembles the gear which is often used
> as a settings icon,

This 'disadvantage' is a bit artificial.

I agree the gears would not be visible on small icon sizes. But small
icons do not need to contain the whole logo (like with everything
else, small icons are separately designed). On the small icons, we
could easily go for just '>'

Anditosan's logo would be a circle with a small corner smudge on low
resolutions. (or a '>' in a circle if we go for Ken's variant)

I do not think we should make a choice based on what looks good at
16x16px. It is a project logo first, not an icon.


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