[plasmashell] [Bug 355563] Taskbar is cluttered and colorfull

Ondrej Machulda via KDE Bugzilla bugzilla_noreply at kde.org
Fri Nov 20 13:07:20 UTC 2015


--- Comment #10 from Ondrej Machulda <Ondrej.Machulda at seznam.cz> ---
@Uri Herrera

> Hmm, so I should add the little square in the corner, increase the size of the borders, remove the backgrounds and only use one color, to get the full-on Excel look. Neat.
I don't understand reason behind your ironic voice, however, my point about
borders which are visually cluttering the empty space (and are even
inconsistent amongst other plasma parts), and yes, somehow resembles Excel
table and taskbar from windows95 was obivous. Is tehere some kind of consensus
in Plasma team about this? Will other Parts of plasma introduce also this
borders in more components?

> Task states. Now they're obvious. Ah yes, there's only 3 colors in use doesn't seem like "various" and they're colors from the color scheme. I mean, just FYI.
Sorry, not obvious for me. Also as stated by Andreas: "toolbar icons are
monochrome because the user should focus on the working area and not the
toolbars. " -- so what is the reason behind big blue areas in taskbar? In HIG
is written "Use color to draw attention." Does currently active item in
takskbar really need your attention? It just highlights currently open window!
You don't need to focus there is you are just working with the current window.
Yes, active windows should obviously be recognizable when focusing on the
taskbar (as was in the previous version) but should not disturb you otherwise. 

I don't know what causes the inconsitence between your screenshot and mine (I
use default theme without modifications)... However, it is regression with the
new version.

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