[systemsettings] [Bug 401604] Please, give UI ability to manage `x-scheme-handler` MimeTypes, which would allow to integrate apps by "XDG Shared MIME-info Database specification" section "URI scheme handlers"

Anton Latukha bugzilla_noreply at kde.org
Sun Jan 10 20:11:34 GMT 2021


Anton Latukha <anton.latukha+reg at gmail.com> changed:

           What    |Removed                     |Added
            Summary|Request to be able to       |Please, give UI ability to
                   |manage `x-scheme-handler`   |manage `x-scheme-handler`
                   |MimeTypes, which allows     |MimeTypes, which would
                   |integrate apps by "XDG      |allow to integrate apps by
                   |Shared MIME-info Database   |"XDG Shared MIME-info
                   |specification" section "URI |Database specification"
                   |scheme handlers"            |section "URI scheme
                   |                            |handlers"

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