[systemsettings] [Bug 225481] Adjust the color temperature of your screen

Aaron Wolf wolftune at gmail.com
Tue Feb 19 03:34:27 GMT 2013


Aaron Wolf <wolftune at gmail.com> changed:

           What    |Removed                     |Added
                 CC|                            |wolftune at gmail.com

--- Comment #5 from Aaron Wolf <wolftune at gmail.com> ---
I strongly agree. Dimming is not adequate. Anyone who has not tried Redshift
does not understand. Redshift adjusts white-point based on time of day! And it
is NOTHING like just brightness.

Also, there is a simple plasmoid to adjust everything and works great, instand
on/off and override of settings and more!


This should be included in the base KDE system. EVERYONE should use this. I
avoid using any computer that doesn't have this! Please consider this plasmoid
for the system, along with the redshift backend!

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