[Bug 100920] [regression] Clicking an application closes submenu.

FiNeX finex at finex.org
Thu Aug 27 23:13:57 BST 2009


FiNeX <finex at finex.org> changed:

           What    |Removed                     |Added
             Status|NEW                         |RESOLVED
                 CC|                            |finex at finex.org
         Resolution|                            |UNMAINTAINED
         AssignedTo|rich at kde.org                |unassigned-bugs at kde.org

--- Comment #1 from FiNeX <finex finex org>  2009-08-28 00:13:57 ---
Kasbar is no more developed and it will not be ported on KDE4. Kasbar bugs are
being closed as "UNMANTAINED".

For specific kasbar feature which doesn't exists in the new KDE4 please open a
new wish for KDE4. :-)

Many thanks.

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