[umbrello] umbrello

Ralf Habacker ralf.habacker at freenet.de
Fri Feb 5 10:54:23 UTC 2016

Am 04.02.2016 um 10:28 schrieb Седышева Валерия:
>  Hello,  I use the program Umbrello to create UML diagrams, but I have a problem. I installed version 2.17.2 for the operating system Windows, but it doesn't have Russian language. Then I found a version for Linux with support for Russian language (Umbrello 2.12) and by copying the russian language .mo file to a folder on Windows, I was Russified the part of the program. but some elements have remained in English. Please tell me how i can to russify all parts, or where I can get a new .mo file with Russian language
You may download the file starting with kde4-l10n-ru-4.  from 
and extract a recent umbrello.mo with 7z.


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