[Uml-user] building umbrello from svn

roleic roleic at vtxmail.ch
Thu Mar 2 05:56:04 UTC 2006

Hello umbrello experts,

Please, could someone either give me a hint on how to compile umbrello from 
svn or at least where to read up on the necessary build process. (if possible 
in beginner level compatible language.)

I use a Kanotix box (debian unstable). I managed to check out the umbrello 
code from the KDE repository using Kdesvn.
However, I do not know how to compile it. I checked the installation page and 
FAQ of umbrello but neither instructions worked out for me. Neither make nor 
make -f Makefile.cvs worked but gave me missing-file-messages (no Makefile, 
no configure file). Obviously my knowledge of building KDE source code is 
almost inexistent maybe because I'd like to learn python first before 
adressing C and C++.

I am in the process of learning python being my first prog. language. Now I 
read that the current svn version of umbrello can read python and display it 
as UML. This can be very useful for a beginner to gain an overview of 
existing python code and learn from it. That's what open source is about, 
isn't it. In the latest published umbrello release 1.5.1 this does not yet 
work due to a bug. But the current svn version is announced to have it fixed. 
The next umbrello release 1.5.2 comes out probably only sometime in april.

Thank you for your help

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