[Uml-user] Code generation for associations

Nicolas.Castagne at imag.fr Nicolas.Castagne at imag.fr
Tue Feb 8 04:05:39 UTC 2005

Hi there,

thanks for the work on Umbrello - I installed it a couple of days ago, and
so far it really looks like what I was looking for.

However, I am unable to generate any c++ code for associations between

As an example, I enclosed with this mail a simple class diagram, and the
generated code for class A. As you will see, the code for class A does not
feature any composition with class B or D - though they are composed in
the uml diagram. I supose A and D classes should be enclosed in class A as
static classes...

I did not find any info in the list archive or in the doc, or on the Net,
though I had a close look the previous days.

Is there a simple reason for that ? What did I do wrong ?

Thx !
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