[Uml-user] What about arrays

Jonathan Riddell jr at jriddell.org
Sat Nov 20 04:29:30 UTC 2004

On Sat, Nov 20, 2004 at 02:22:32AM -0600, Jorge Gutierrez wrote:

> 1. Does anybody has any intention of creating and importing/exporting
> tool among umbrello and rational rose ?

Programmer Extraordinaire Oliver has been very good at making
Umbrello's file format compatible with that from other programmes.
CVS HEAD or the next version should have some success in talking to Rational.

> 2. At the class diagrams, how are we supposed to manage arrays or pointers?

Arrays are done by giving an association multiplicity, right click on
the assocaition->properties  give the appropriate end a multiplicity
of 0..* meaning there are zero or more of that object involved.

Pointers should be done with an aggregation assocaition as I remember.


Jonathan Riddell

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