[Uml-user] application

Jose N Hinckel hinckel at dem.inpe.br
Mon Jul 26 13:55:06 UTC 2004

Jonathan Riddell wrote:

>On Fri, Jul 23, 2004 at 03:26:48PM -0300, Jose N Hinckel wrote:
>>I recently downloaded source for Umbrello Beta 2, compiled and installed 
>>without a hitch.
>>I truly appeciate the improvements. Find attached a screenshot.
>Could you give us a full screenshot, desktop, Umbrello and all, that
>would be great for the website.
>>Now a question.
>>I would like to use the umbrello infrastructure to develop the 
>>application. Instead of working with
>>the UML objects I would be working the the instances of the classes; 
>>would edit the attributes and call the methods.
>>The listview pannel would hold my objects.
>>Persistency of the application would use an xmi file. Could use 
>>read/write/edit functionality of umbrello to
>>add objects / edit attributes / call methods. Attribute nodes / menubar 
>>/ toolbars would be populated  directly from the umbrello xmi file.
>>Any examples of this kind of work?
>>Would appreciate comments / suggestions
>I'm not sure I quite understand what you're asking but you can edit
>the contents of classes for C++ and Java using View Code from the
>right click menu.
>Jonathan Riddell
After I created created my diagrams and fleshed out the methods I will 
create the main application program.
Now, I would like my main program to have the look-and-feel of Umbrello 
(A listview on the left, a documentation
pane on botton left and a "frame" for other windows on right).
My listview will hold instances of my objects (rockets, pumps, chambers, 
etc ). Each object will have values for
the attributes. Since the classes were created with the Umbrello 
aplication, the corresponding xmi file knows the names
of all the object attributes, therefore I could populated the list view 
directly from the .xmi umbrello file.
Also umbrello knows how to notify changes to these attributes and give 
them persistency. I would factor this
functionality from the Umbrello code into my application so that I could 
save the status of project and
work on it later.
Would use the same procedure to populate a menubar with method calls for 
my objects.

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