[Uml-user] Hello
Alessandro Binhara
binharalista at yahoo.com.br
Sun Jul 20 15:44:25 UTC 2003
> Well, if I say class X uses class Y, it should generate a local member in X
> of type Y.
Ok ..
I make a little example ..like ..
Company 1 ------ 1..* Bank
I create a ListBank atribute, to generate a funtional soucer..
Is this in your mind?
You make changes in example and send to me again if you have a time..
> > I like help this project..
> > I liked write a source generator for a Mono (c#)
> That's funny, I also tried doing it, but I had to stop because of too less
> time. I think it is very easy to write a code generator. Look in the
> codegenerator subdir of the current CVS source code and you will find enough
> examples. I think you should base your work on the java generator, because
> C# is more familar to Java than to C++.
Will Be more funny wen Miguel Icaza see a KDE aplication generating a
Mono C# source ,, hehehe
I will work on this just for fun ..
I will make a joke with Icaza .. heheh
I will get a cvs source ,,
> > and translate for brazilian portugues...
> This would mean to join the KDE translation team of your language. I'm
> pretty sure your help would be very welcome. Please see i18n.kde.org to find
> the translation team for your language, read there how to do the
> translation (mostly with KBabel tool) and contact your language team. I
> think they will guide you through the process.
Ok .. will get more information about ..
Are you a code developer of umbrello ???
Um Forte Abraço
Alessandro de O. Binhara
Diretor Técnico REDE SOL
Coord. GU OpenSystem Sucesu-PR
____ _____ ____ _____ ____ ___ _ | binhara at redexsol.com
| _ \| ____| _ \| ____| / ___| / _ \| | | binhara at yahoo.com
| |_) | _| | | | | _| \___ \| | | | | | (0xx41) 3019-3354
| _ <| |___| |_| | |___ ___) | |_| | |___ | ICQ #12369354
|_| \_\_____|____/|_____| |____/ \___/|_____|| LinuxUser #118255
www.redexsol.com / www.prsucesu.org.br / www.softwarelivre.org.br
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