[Uml-user] Umbrello

Wes Peters wes at softweyr.com
Fri Feb 21 18:35:14 UTC 2003

On Friday 21 February 2003 03:46 am, Jonathan Riddell wrote:
> On Thu, 20 Feb 2003, Wes Peters wrote:
> > > Don't fancy making FreeBSD packages of it do you :)
> >
> > Sure.  I think the "bento cluster" @freebsd.org does anyhow.  Are
> > you looking for binary packages you can offer for download from
> > your website?  If so, I'll be happy to provide them tomorrow when I
> > get back to my office.  I'll even throw in the dependencies if you
> > want.
> I've no idea how FreeBSD packaging works.  What's the bento cluster? 
> If there's already FreeBSD packages somewhere it would be nice to
> know where. Otherwise your offer of binary packages sounds great.

The bento cluster is a bunch of machines used by the FreeBSD Ports
Manager to do constant "tinderbox" builds of all FreeBSD ports on
x86, Alpha, and SPARC64 machines.  I haven't checked which archs
umbrello builds on, probably just x86 at this point.  The machines
in the cluster attempt to build every port, log the results, and
start over.

I'll find out what happens to the binary packages that are built
there and provide you with information on how to mirror them, as
soon as I check with the guys that really know this stuff.

         "Where am I, and what am I doing in this handbasket?"

Wes Peters                                                  Softweyr LLC
wes at softweyr.com                                    http://softweyr.com/

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