[Uml-user] How to not install umbrello as root

Martin Okrslar okrslar at molgen.mpg.de
Wed Feb 12 04:57:07 UTC 2003

Luis De la Parra Blum wrote:

>On Tuesday 11 February 2003 19:13, Martin Okrslar wrote:
>>After compiling with configure-prefix /usr/local/kde3 and doing a
>>make install prefix=/project/algorithmics
>and then add the /project/algorithmics directory to your KDEDIR path.
>this is important becuase KDE looks in these directories when it needs to load 
>libraries, icons, documentation and so on.
>hope that helps.
I am sorry, but it didn't. I added /project/algorithmics/lib to the 
LD_LIBRARY_PATH (which fixed one of my problems); if I start umbrello 
then, I don't get any icons on the sidebar.

Here's my KDEDIR:

okrslar at levy:/project/algorithmics> echo $KDEDIR
/usr/local/kde3 /project/algorithmics/

Still any ideas?



Martin Okrslar                                          
Grad. Student Algorithmics, Dept. Comp. Mol. Bio        okrslar at molgen.mpg.de
Max Planck Inst. for Molecular Genetics                 phone: +49-30-8413-1166
Ihnestrasse 73, 14195 Berlin, Germany                   fax:   +49-30-8413-1152

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