[Uml-user] Documentation in generated code

Sebastian Stein seb_stein at gmx.de
Fri Aug 1 01:02:14 UTC 2003

Peter Robins <uml at peterrobins.co.uk> [030801 09:30]:
> Looks like code generators ignore linefeeds in documentation. I was 
> hoping that entering
> @author Me
> @version 1.0
> @see other::class
> @param in
> @return out
> would come out properly formated for documentation progs like Javadoc 
> etc. Am I missing something? Whatever I try, it all seems to come out 
> on 1 line.

I think you are right. I don't know a quick work around and yes, I see where
the bug is. But I won't fix it at the moment, because someone else is
working on it. Please submit it as a bug to bugs.kde.org, so that we don't
forget to fix it.

> Also, doc for attributes and methods comes out for php, but seemingly 
> not for java.

Yes, this should be fixed as well. Please add this to bugs.kde.org as well.

Umbrello UML Modeller
Description     : UML diagram drawing tool for KDE with code generation
Homepage        : http://www.umbrello.org/

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