[umbrello] [Bug 340646] Fix issues reported by Coverity scan

Oliver Kellogg bugzilla_noreply at kde.org
Mon Dec 6 19:27:17 GMT 2021


--- Comment #134 from Oliver Kellogg <okellogg at users.sourceforge.net> ---
Git commit ff074f9b07a79d71f8456646da20535dd619e3fd by Oliver Kellogg.
Committed on 06/12/2021 at 19:26.
Pushed by okellogg into branch 'master'.

https://scan.coverity.com/projects/3327 Coverity fixes listed by CID :

178695 Unchecked return value in umldoc.cpp
- In function loadUMLObjectsFromXMI1 loop over QDomNode, on handling
  type "Model", in nested for-loop of i over Uml::ModelType, if name is
  m_root[i]->name() then
  - define local UMLFolder *curRootSave saving m_pCurrentRoot;
  - if return value from loadFromXMI1(tempElement) is false then restore
    m_pCurrentRoot from curRootSave and return false.

268392 Logically dead code in diagram_utils.cpp
- In function importGraph loop over lines handling of associations, if
  after handling of swapObjects `error' is set then `assoc' is
  guaranteed to be null; ergo remove the if-statement testing assoc.

364156 Uninitialized pointer field in codeimport/phpimport.cpp
- In PHPIncludeFileVisitor constructor initialize members m_indent and

364157 Dereference after null check in umllistview.cpp
- In functtion loadChildrenFromXMI switch (lvType) case
  UMLListViewItem::lvt_Attribute et al. with findItem(nID) returning
  null, in the code handling (lvType == lvt_InstanceAttribute) with
  umlObject->asUMLInstance() returning non null do not reassign to the
  existing variable umlObject. Instead, define local UMLObject* attrObj
  receiving the result from instance->findChildObjectById(nID).

364159 Uninitialized pointer field in codeimport/phpimport.cpp
- In class DebugLanguageParserHelper constructor, initialize member
  m_ast to null.
- Additional cosmetic changes in class DebugLanguageParserHelper:
  - Rename function setFeeded to setFed.
  - Rename function isFeeded to wasFed.

M  +8    -5    umbrello/codeimport/phpimport.cpp
M  +1    -2    umbrello/diagram_utils.cpp
M  +6    -1    umbrello/umldoc.cpp
M  +3    -3    umbrello/umllistview.cpp


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