[umbrello-devel] Introduction

Ralf Habacker ralf.habacker at freenet.de
Thu Oct 3 22:08:37 UTC 2013

Am 03.10.2013 20:37, schrieb Enzo Cappa:
> Hi!
> I'm new in the list, but I been using Umbrello for a long time. So, I
> think it's time to return something to the community, and I decided to
> help fixing some bugs. Or at least try to.
> I'm a developer, primary Java for web, but also some Ruby and
> Javascript and a very basic idea of C. I would like to dig more into
> C/C++ with KDE.
> So, can anyone point me some instructions to setup a basic dev
> environment and how to start with this?
For building umbrello  from source see
To get a debug build you may add -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Debug to the line
running cmake as shown below.


> I usually use Eclipse for Java
You may find informations to use eclipse for umbrello compiling at

> and Emacs for Ruby, in case there is specific information for one of them.
you may find cmake informations for emacs at

I am personally are using QtCreator on linux on a daily base and find it
very easy and usefull. After installing QtCreator you have to
1. follow the building from source hints on
2. open the CMakeLists.txt file with qtcreator
3. select the build directory mentioned in 1
4. run configure and
5. start compiling and debugging.


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