[Uml-devel] SVN to Git

Emmanuel Lepage-Vallée elv1313 at gmail.com
Thu Feb 14 02:29:10 UTC 2013

> Quick question. When I was using the SVN repository, we had
> to perform a shallow checkout of kdesdk, then also the umbrello child
> directory. To build the latest, I would svn up kdesdk root, then cd into
> umbrello to make install it.
> What is the process with the Git repository? Do I just clone the
> Umbrello repository only?

Yes, in the past few months, the KDESDK module have been broken down
into individual applications. From now on, every application have to
be cloned individually. This have many advantages over the old model,
principally in the way git handle branches.

You can add this to your bashrc / zshrc:
function kde-git {
 git clone git://anongit.kde.org/$1

To add the kde-git command. Example: "kde-git umbrello". Will clone
umbrello and "kde-git kate" will fetch kate

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