[Uml-devel] Migration of KDESDK to git, finally? :)

Michael Pyne mpyne at purinchu.net
Tue May 8 23:37:54 UTC 2012

On Tuesday, May 08, 2012 17:11:51 Friedrich W. H. Kossebau wrote:
> Hi,
> Who are the current maintainers of all the submodules in KDESDK? I tried to
> put all in cc: which looked like the one, see also below who I listed
> for each submodule.

Aside from kio_perldoc as you suggested, I'm also marked as the maintainer for 

> Plugins, grouped by type:

This sounds agreeable. I will volunteer to maintain the kioslaves-kdesdk 

> * scripts - lots of kde devs
> Lots of small tools/helpers, basically not useful for anyone outside
> KDE development. Dump in one repo?

Yes. We can rename to kde-developer-scripts to make it more clear what their 
intent is.

> I also wonder if these utilities here should not be split out into a
> separate module, or the other way round, if all the "real" programs and
> plugins should not make up a new module called "devtools"/"kdedev" or
> whatever, so the module with the "real" products can be better promoted to
> users outside of the group of KDE developers.

That actually sounds like a good idea, instead of having 'kde/kdesdk/kde-
developer-scripts' have 'kde-developer-scripts' as a toplevel git module.

> And while I have the attention of lots of KDESDK developers, would you mind
> if I take over the role as coordinator of KDESDK from Matt (in case his
> offer is still up) and mess^Wtry to clean-up the module a little?

Sounds good to me.

 - Michael Pyne
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