[Uml-devel] Migration of KDESDK to git, finally? :)

Albert Astals Cid aacid at kde.org
Tue May 8 17:33:41 UTC 2012

El Dimarts, 8 de maig de 2012, a les 17:11:51, Friedrich W. H. Kossebau va 
> Hi,


> KDESDK currently is still in svn. At least for Okteta I would like to have
> a move from svn to git as soon as possible.
> While there have been two threads about this on this list,
> "migration of kdesdk to git - status?" from 18.12.2010 and
> "Idea: Converting KDESDK incrementally" from 28.03.2011, so far
> nothing has happened, besides Kate and kdesrc-build having moved out
> of KDESDK to other modules. I would like to change that and have something
> happening :)
> The gist from the threads is that
> * the KDESDK module should be split into separate repos, as the single
>   submodules do not have anything in common, like libs or stuff
> * the whole of KDESDK should be moved to git in one step, to reduce the mess
> for release managers, packagers and friends
> Anyone disagrees?

Not me

> Some brave people seem to have prepared set of rules for all the components
> of the KDESDK module (thanks to them), see
> https://projects.kde.org/projects/playground/sdk/kde-
> ruleset/repository/revisions/master/show/kdesdk
> What is the state of these rules? Can the result be checked somewhere?
> Niko Sams, in the thread "migration of kdesdk to git - status?" as
> referenced above you also talked about having prepared rules, are they in
> some way integrated in what is in the repo linked above?
> Who are the current maintainers of all the submodules in KDESDK? I tried to
> put all in cc: which looked like the one, see also below who I listed
> for each submodule.
> Looking through KDESDK I wonder what should end up in a separate git repo
> and what not.
> Standalone programs:
> * cervisia - Christian Loose
> * kcachegrind - Josef Weidendorfer
> * kompare - Kevin Kofler
> * lokalize - Nick Shaforostoff
> * okteta - myself :)
> * umbrello - umbrello devs
> Surely one repo per program, right?
> Plugins, grouped by type:
> * dolphin-plugins
> 	svn -Peter Penz
> 	hg - Vishesh Yadav
> 	git - Sebastian Doerner
> 	bazaar - Jonathan Riddell
> * kioslave
> 	perldoc - Michael Pyne?
> 	svn - Mickael Marchand?
> * strigi-analyzer
> 	diff - Laurent Montel/Jakub Stachowski
> 	po - Montel Laurent/Nick Shaforostoff/Jos van den Oever
> 	ts - Montel Laurent/Jakub Stachowski
> 	xlf - Albert Astals Cid
> One repo per plugin? One repo per type?

I think one repo per plugin is an overkill.

> Development utils for KDE developers:
> * kapptemplate - Anne-Marie Mahfouf
> * kdeaccounts-plugin - Carsten Pfeiffer?
> * kdepalettes - ? (and still useful? nothing build/installed here)
> * kmtrace - seems unmaintained
> * kpartloader - David Faure
> * kprofilemethod - David Faure
> * kstartperf - Geert Jansen
> * kuiviewer - Benjamin C. Meyer
> * poxml - uh, no license headers! (Albert Astals Cid)
> * scripts - lots of kde devs
> Lots of small tools/helpers, basically not useful for anyone outside
> KDE development. Dump in one repo?
> I also wonder if these utilities here should not be split out into a
> separate module, or the other way round, if all the "real" programs and
> plugins should not make up a new module called "devtools"/"kdedev" or
> whatever, so the module with the "real" products can be better promoted to
> users outside of the group of KDE developers.

If i's your assumption that the poxml is not used outside KDE developers, it's 
a wrong assumption. We regularly have people filling bugs complaining it 
doesn't work for their non KDE use case.

> And kapptemplate could also move to the module kdeexamples perhaps, as kind
> of code-to-copy/start-from?

Has nothing to do in my opinion, kdeexamples are examples on how to use 
technology, kapptemplate are "barebones compilable code" for some type of 

> Completely excluded from build are:
> * kspy - Richard Moore
> * kunittest - Jeroen Wijnhout
> * scheck - Maksim Orlovich/Ryan Cumming
> These should be moved to tags/unmaintained in svn in any case?

Makes sense

> And while I have the attention of lots of KDESDK developers, would you mind
> if I take over the role as coordinator of KDESDK from Matt (in case his
> offer is still up) and mess^Wtry to clean-up the module a little?
> Cheers
> Friedrich

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