[Uml-devel] Git-Migration was "branches/work/soc-umbrello/umbrello"

Ralf Habacker ralf.habacker at googlemail.com
Thu Jan 12 23:03:05 UTC 2012

Am 12.01.2012 23:31, schrieb Kip Warner:
> On Thu, 2012-01-12 at 23:34 +0100, Ralf Habacker wrote:
>> Are there any plans to migrate to git for easier branch and merge
>> management ?
>> Regards
>>    Ralf
> How about Bzr
Developing kde and/or qt already requires git knowledge - why 
introducing an additional scm with an additional learning curve only for 
one project
Bzr for example is currently not supported by the KDE windows build 
system and will need volunteers to add this scm to the KDE build system.
Also the trend for case tools in general goes in the direction of 
integration into IDE's (for example 
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/IBM_Rational_Software_Architect), so in the 
future of umbrello there may be more bundling with 
kdevelop/kdevplatform  and/or QtCreator. Having a different repo makes 
stuff more complicate in term of merging, patching and so on.
> and maybe even hosting on Launchpad? It does both of those
> things well and is easier to use for most people.
What is bad with the services provided by kde.org, that a complete 
different hosting should be choosed ?
Is there something important missing ?
Does the translations service provided by kde.org do not work ?


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