[Uml-devel] CPP code generation patch

Andi Fischer andi.fischer at hispeed.ch
Fri Feb 11 16:40:39 UTC 2011

Am 11.02.2011 06:13, schrieb Daniel Herring:
> So after using Umbrello for the last few years for UML modeling I 
> decided that some changes were needed in the code generation aspect of it.
> So what I have worked through are the following, but I do not have a 
> webserver to upload the 60k patch to any help with that would be great.
> Daniel Herring
> Reduced CPP .h files to generate a single public, protected, and 
> private sections, which was violated by the write protected attributes 
> as public.
> Encapsulates the ENUMs in package .h file if the enums are in a package.
> Write a package .h file that includes all the class .h files that 
> belong to that package.
> Properly capitalize file names to work with case sensitive file 
> systems (Linux)
> The Abstract class banner does not print out if a class is a child 
> class of an abstract class.
> Classes will only inherit a base type once, also will only include the 
> header file once.
> Fixed some random inconsistencies in file names, comments, variable 
> naming...
> Created a copy constructor and copy routine to go with the empty 
> constructors.
> Separated accessors function documentation from the variable 
> documentation.
> Add proper doxygen tags for \fn \brief and \var, made sure there was a 
> new line before the body.
> Added m_ to all class variable declarations
> If a class or enum is in multiple namespaces all namespace bracketing 
> is put in instead of just the single parent package.
> An option to use a class private mutex to protect access to the 
> attributes.
> An option to use QT 4.5 specific data types and logic.
> Some issues I am still experiancing and would like some help with:
>     How do I get the setting of the 2 added options saved so they load 
> each time?
> A concern or two
>     I had to rewrite some of the model_utils.c findUmlObject and I am 
> not sure how that change effects other things. I simplified it to use 
> a breath first tree search.
>     Also in  void UMLPackage::appendClassesAndInterfaces() I had to 
> add enums to the object types that get passed to code generation for 
> the code generation wizard.
Hi Daniel,
If you like, you can send me your patch to my private e-mail address.
I will apply it on my machine, test it and give you some feedback.

Greetings from Zurich


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