[Uml-devel] branches/work/soc-umbrello/umbrello
Andi Fischer
andi.fischer at hispeed.ch
Sun Aug 31 08:27:11 UTC 2008
Oliver Kellogg wrote:
> SVN commit 854931 by okellogg:
> http://sourceforge.net/mailarchive/forum.php?thread_name=6a164e780808300506j6cd401fby113d772095ca4d85%40mail.gmail.com&forum_name=uml-devel
> Result of running
> http://uml.sourceforge.net/developers/copy_cppcomment_to_header.pl
> on the .cpp files and redirecting the output to the .h files.
> M +11 -0 artifactwidget.h
> M +1 -0 associationwidget.h
> M +7 -0 categorywidget.h
> M +8 -0 classifiercodedocument.h
> M +80 -0 classifierwidget.h
> M +5 -0 codegenerators/codeclassfield.h
> M +4 -0 codegenerators/codeparameter.h
> M +24 -0 codegenwizard/codegenerationwizard.h
> M +56 -0 codegenwizard/codegenoptionspage.h
> M +26 -0 codegenwizard/codegenselectpage.h
> M +23 -0 codegenwizard/codegenstatuspage.h
> M +70 -0 combinedfragmentwidget.h
> M +15 -0 dialogs/classwizard.h
> M +8 -0 dialogs/pkgcontentspage.h
> M +12 -0 dialogs/settingsdlg.h
> M +6 -0 enumwidget.h
> M +9 -0 expanderbox.h
> M +4 -0 floatingdashlinewidget.h
> M +46 -0 floatingtextwidget.h
> M +6 -0 listpopupmenu.h
> M +40 -0 messagewidget.h
> M +87 -0 newumlrectwidget.h
> M +162 -0 newumlwidget.h
> M +25 -0 notewidget.h
> M +9 -0 objectnodewidget.h
> M +69 -0 objectwidget.h
> M +18 -0 packagewidget.h
> M +9 -0 pinwidget.h
> M +15 -0 preconditionwidget.h
> M +16 -0 seqlinewidget.h
> M +21 -0 statewidget.h
> M +50 -0 textitem.h
> M +9 -0 umlscene.h
> M +69 -0 widgethandle.h
Hi Oliver,
This commit makes the situation worse, because you duplicate the
comments and not delete them in the source file.
You never know, maybe someone is changing the comment in a source file.
From now on we have to compare header and source file comments before
we can delete the source file comments.
You changed also some files in Gopala's branch, which he never had
touched (dialogs, codegenerators, codegenwizard).
His merge patch gets bigger and bigger and he will have more troubles to
merge it.
What about writing a Perl script, which makes the other way and moves
all the header comments to the source files?
I like the idea from Gopala to have a clean and small header file. It
really helps to get a quick overview and don't blow up the header files.
The comments before every method are used for creating the API Reference
at http://api.kde.org /. Everyone who wants to check the documentation
should go there and not to the header file. By the way,
documentation will be updated and fixed more often when it is in the
source file, where everyone is working and hacking the code.
So let's this think over again, please.
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