[Uml-devel] Code generation with entered code fragments
Andi Fischer
andi.fischer at hispeed.ch
Sun Nov 25 20:15:00 UTC 2007
Commit 741510 implements the possibility to add source code, code
fragments, or pseudo code to every operation and not only documentation.
The new elements are a tab widget and a text edit widget in the
operations section.
The entered code (the body of the operation) is stored into the xmi-file
and when starting code generation written to the generated source file.
For now only Python and C# are done, the other languages will follow soon.
Note: I don't know yet the right tag for the xmi-file. Can you help, Oliver?
As you can see in the following example I use <UML:SourceCode value=.... />
<UML:Class visibility="public" isSpecification="false"
namespace="Logical View" isAbstract="false" isLeaf="false"
isRoot="false" xmi.id="MJCTtfsEoxQq" name="Person" >
<UML:Attribute visibility="private" isSpecification="false"
xmi.id="uiXzpj5EmpFC" type="ajFMBLpOzGgV" name="name_" />
<UML:Attribute visibility="private" isSpecification="false"
xmi.id="YcswJOXvn7Tn" type="ajFMBLpOzGgV" comment="Vorname"
name="firstName_" />
<UML:Attribute visibility="private" isSpecification="false"
xmi.id="4v9Yf4emnhMd" type="ajFMBLpOzGgV" comment="Geschlecht"
name="sex_" />
<UML:Operation visibility="public" isSpecification="false"
isQuery="false" isAbstract="false" isLeaf="false" isRoot="false"
xmi.id="aHo5uvcmFtyg" comment="gets the name of the person."
name="getName" >
<UML:Parameter kind="return" xmi.id="Er1p6o7oCp1Y"
type="ajFMBLpOzGgV" />
<UML:SourceCode value="if (name_ == "TEST") {

}" />
If you use this feature now then be warned, that this may change in the
near future and could make your xmi-file unreadable.
But I don't think that there are a lot of users working with KDE4 -
umbrello right now ;-).
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