[Uml-devel] SOLVED Re: Self compiled umbrello from svn aborts in Kubuntu Edgy

Achim Spangler Achim.Spangler at mnet-online.de
Tue Jan 9 16:16:02 UTC 2007

strange thinks were going on:
Even if the compile worked without errors, and the new executable had been 
built, there were some build problems. 

At least a "make clean; ./configure" was not enough Yesterday.
Today I removed all non-SVN files (i.e. locally created) to get a 100% start 
from scratch to avoid any undetected configure dependencies.

I installed also some additional packages like arp-config - but I think 
currently that that was not the problem reason.

Is there a proven clean procedure to get rid of all problematic cached 
configuration and build files?
The steps "make clean" in umbrello directory and "./configure" in kdesdk 
directory where at least not enough in my case.

Removing all "Makefile.in" files caused me some troubles, as I forgot that I 
have to call "make -f Makefile.cvs" as a first step.

Funny thing there:
The cvs.sh version that is useed in Revision: 490810 of 
svn://anonsvn.kde.org/home/kde/branches/KDE/3.5/kde-common does not check for 
any 2.6x release, so that I have to extend the "autoconf" check there.

Is there a newer usable revision of 
svn://anonsvn.kde.org/home/kde/branches/KDE/3.5/kde-common to get umbrello 
compiled with KDE 3.5.x??

At least: I can compile and execute umbrello again!! ;-)


Am Montag, 8. Januar 2007 18:36 schrieb Achim Spangler:
> Hi,
> I have updated my system to Kubuntu Edgy with KDE 3.5.5.
> I compiled ubuntu from current SVN of
> svn://anonsvn.kde.org/home/kde/branches/KDE/3.5/kdesdk/umbrello
> The kde-common part of my working copy is set to:
> URL: svn://anonsvn.kde.org/home/kde/branches/KDE/3.5/kde-common
> UUID des Projektarchivs: 283d02a7-25f6-0310-bc7c-ecb5cbfe19da
> Revision: 490810
> --> this is how I learned to get umbrello SVN compiled with KDE 3.5.5
> My self compiled umbrello aborts always with:
> [KCrash handler]
> #6  0xb7c9274c in KFileFilterCombo::setMimeFilter () from
> /usr/lib/libkio.so.4 #7  0x0828b339 in
> ExportAllViewsDialog::ExportAllViewsDialog ()
> #8  0x081ee48f in UMLViewImageExporterAll::UMLViewImageExporterAll ()
> #9  0x0819f717 in UMLApp::UMLApp ()
> #10 0x0816a581 in main ()
> This happens immediately after program start - before any window opens.
> Does anybody have an idea on the possible reason for this??
> Am I missing any library?
> Thanks for any help,
> Achim
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