[Uml-devel] branches/KDE/3.5/kdesdk/umbrello/umbrello

Oliver Kellogg okellogg at users.sourceforge.net
Sat Apr 7 17:57:00 UTC 2007

SVN commit 651441 by okellogg:

m_AssocRules: Allow multiplicity on the relationship association between two entities.
In ER modeling, there exists the so-called "cardinality" which could roughly be equated
to UML multiplicity, see e.g.
http://www.dama-michigan.org/2 Jerry Stembridge Feature Article.htm

With this change, the multplicity-zeroing logic in AssociationwWidget::setAssocType()
does not take effect in the first place.

 M  +3 -2      assocrules.cpp  

--- branches/KDE/3.5/kdesdk/umbrello/umbrello/assocrules.cpp #651440:651441
@@ -274,7 +274,8 @@
 AssocRules::Assoc_Rule AssocRules::m_AssocRules []= {
-    //  Association     widgetA         widgetB         role    multiplicity    directional     self
+    //  Association     widgetA         widgetB         role    multi   directional  self
+    //---------------+----------------+----------------+-------+-------+-------+---------
     { at_Association_Self,wt_Class,     wt_Class,       true,   true,   true,   true  },
     { at_Association_Self,wt_Object,    wt_Object,      true,   true,   true,   true  },
     { at_Association_Self,wt_Interface, wt_Interface,   true,   true,   true,   true  },
@@ -373,7 +374,7 @@
     { at_Anchor,        wt_Message,     wt_Note,        false,  false,  false,  false },
     { at_Anchor,        wt_State,       wt_Note,        false,  false,  false,  false },
     { at_Anchor,        wt_Activity,    wt_Note,        false,  false,  false,  false },
-    { at_Relationship,  wt_Entity,      wt_Entity,      true,   false,  true,   false },
+    { at_Relationship,  wt_Entity,      wt_Entity,      true,   true,   true,   true  },
 int AssocRules::m_nNumRules = sizeof( m_AssocRules ) / sizeof( AssocRules::Assoc_Rule );

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