[Uml-devel] Segfault on XMI close when a class uses a template

Achim Spangler Achim.Spangler at mnet-online.de
Fri Nov 3 11:15:43 UTC 2006

you can very easily cause umbrello (fresh from SVN) to segfault.

Just load the attached XMI - or create on your own with:
+ add class
+ add a class template to the new class
+ save -> close -> reload
+ try now to close the reloaded XMI - it will segfault
  in the function: UMLPackage::removeAllObjects()
  at UMLPackage *pkg = dynamic_cast<UMLPackage*>(o);
  while "o" is pointing to the template tag
  --> something is causing to segfault the dynamic_cast<>
      execution when it tries to cast UMLTemplate
      to UMLPackage
      ( when executed in kdbg:
        even after SEGFAULT the local variables report a
        _nearly_ valid data set for the "o" object
       - the "name" attribute is disturbed, but the 
         rest seems OK )
  ==> this looks like the UMLTemplate would be destroyed twice
      as it might have been stored at two places during load of
      the XMI

I discovered for my project, that I had several identical 
<UML:TemplateParameter> tags - looks like we need some unique check during 
load - like with stereotype.

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