[Uml-devel] [Bug 56184] Umbrello XMI file format doesn't conform with uml13.dtd

Oliver Kellogg okellogg at users.sourceforge.net
Sun Feb 19 04:18:04 UTC 2006

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------- Additional Comments From okellogg users sourceforge net  2006-02-19 13:17 -------
SVN commit 511268 by okellogg:

Load and resolve stereotypes as generated by Sun's Metadata Repository
(http://mdr.netbeans.org) and as used by ArgoUML 0.20.
Thanks to Edward Nash for noticing the problem.

 M  +4 -1      umldoc.cpp  
 M  +31 -3     umlobject.cpp  

--- branches/KDE/3.5/kdesdk/umbrello/umbrello/umldoc.cpp #511267:511268
 @ -826,7 +826,10  @
 UMLObject* UMLDoc::findObjectById(Uml::IDType id) {
-    return Model_Utils::findObjectInList(id, m_objectList);
+    UMLObject *o = Model_Utils::findObjectInList(id, m_objectList);
+    if (o == NULL)
+        o = findStereotypeById(id);
+    return o;
 UMLStereotype * UMLDoc::findStereotypeById(Uml::IDType id) {
--- branches/KDE/3.5/kdesdk/umbrello/umbrello/umlobject.cpp #511267:511268
 @ -416,6 +416,11  @
     if (! m_SecondaryId.isEmpty()) {
         m_pSecondary = pDoc->findObjectById(STR2ID(m_SecondaryId));
         if (m_pSecondary != NULL) {
+            if (m_pSecondary->getBaseType() == Uml::ot_Stereotype) {
+                m_pStereotype = static_cast<UMLStereotype*>(m_pSecondary);
+                m_pStereotype->incrRefCount();
+                m_pSecondary = NULL;
+            }
             m_SecondaryId = "";
             return true;
 @ -665,9 +670,9  @
     /**** End of XMI_FLAT_PACKAGES and old files handling ****************/
-    // If the name is not set, let's check whether the attributes are saved
-    // as child nodes.
-    if (m_Name.isEmpty()) {
+    // If the node has child nodes, check whether attributes can be
+    // extracted from them.
+    if (element.hasChildNodes()) {
         QDomNode node = element.firstChild();
         if (node.isComment())
             node = node.nextSibling();
 @ -698,6 +703,29  @
                 if (ownerScope.isEmpty())
                     ownerScope = elem.text();
                 m_bStatic = (ownerScope == "classifier");
+            } else if (Uml::tagEq(tag, "stereotype")) {
+                QString stereo = elem.attribute("xmi.value", "");
+                if (stereo.isEmpty() && elem.hasChildNodes()) {
+                    /* like so:
+                     <UML:ModelElement.stereotype>
+                       <UML:Stereotype xmi.idref = '07CD'/>
+                     </UML:ModelElement.stereotype>
+                     */
+                    QDomNode stereoNode = elem.firstChild();
+                    QDomElement stereoElem = stereoNode.toElement();
+                    tag = stereoElem.tagName();
+                    if (Uml::tagEq(tag, "Stereotype")) {
+                        stereo = stereoElem.attribute("xmi.idref", "");
+                    }
+                }
+                if (! stereo.isEmpty()) {
+                    Uml::IDType stereoID = STR2ID(stereo);
+                    m_pStereotype = umldoc->findStereotypeById(stereoID);
+                    if (m_pStereotype)
+                        m_pStereotype->incrRefCount();
+                    else
+                        m_SecondaryId = stereo;  // leave it to resolveRef()
+                }
             node = node.nextSibling();
             if (node.isComment())

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