[Uml-devel] branches/work/isi-umbrello/scripts/kde-emacs

Thibault Normand thibault.normand at gmail.com
Thu Dec 7 19:31:14 UTC 2006

SVN commit 611351 by tnormand:

#MERGE Trunk(611343) kdesdk/isi-umbrello

 M  +1 -0      kde-emacs-bindings.el  
 M  +9 -2      kde-emacs-general.el  
 M  +67 -18    kde-emacs-utils.el  

--- branches/work/isi-umbrello/scripts/kde-emacs/kde-emacs-bindings.el #611350:611351
@@ -128,6 +128,7 @@
 (define-key c++-mode-map [(f6)] 'kde-switch-cpp-h)
 (define-key c-mode-map [(f6)] 'kde-switch-cpp-h)
 (define-key c++-mode-map [(f7)] 'switch-to-function-def)
+(define-key c-mode-map [(f7)] 'switch-to-function-def)
 (define-key c++-mode-map [(f9)] 'agulbra-make-member)
 (define-key c-mode-map [(f9)] 'agulbra-make-member)
 (define-key global-map [(meta n)] 'next-error)
--- branches/work/isi-umbrello/scripts/kde-emacs/kde-emacs-general.el #611350:611351
@@ -38,6 +38,13 @@
+;; Helper for kde-file-get-cpp-h
+(defun kde-file-or-buffer-exists (path)
+  "Returns true if \"filename\" is an existing file, or an open buffer"
+  (or (file-readable-p path)
+      (get-file-buffer path))
 (defun kde-file-get-cpp-h ()
   "Function returns a corresponding source or header file. The returned
 variable is a list of the form (FILENAME IS_READABLE) e.g. when being in
@@ -55,14 +62,14 @@
       (setq listit kde-source-files)
       (while (and listit (not ret)) ; loop over the list but stop once ret is set
 	(setq path (concat nname "." (car listit)))
-	(if (file-readable-p path)
+	(if (kde-file-or-buffer-exists path)
 	    (setq ret (cons path t))
 	(if (not ret)
 	    (if (string-match "_p$" nname)
 		  (setq path (concat (substring nname 0 (string-match "_p$" nname)) "." (car listit)))
-		  (if (file-readable-p path)
+		  (if (kde-file-or-buffer-exists path)
 		      (setq ret (cons path t))
--- branches/work/isi-umbrello/scripts/kde-emacs/kde-emacs-utils.el #611350:611351
@@ -63,6 +63,26 @@
+; Helper function for getting the baseclass of the current class - in a C++ header file
+; Only supports single inheritance
+(defun baseclass-under-point ()
+  (let ((pos (c-safe-scan-lists (point) -1 1)))
+    (save-excursion
+      (goto-char (if pos pos (point-min)))
+      (backward-word 2)			; move back over "public baseclass"
+      (if (looking-at "public\\|protected\\|private\s*")
+	  (progn
+	    (forward-word)
+	    (while (looking-at "[ \t]")
+	      (forward-char 1))
+	    (let ((start (point)))
+	      (forward-word)
+	      (buffer-substring start (point))))
+	nil
+	)))
+    )
 ; Helper function for parsing our current position in a C++ header file
 ; returns (namespace (class function)) where (a b) is a cons.
 (defun method-under-point ()
@@ -211,8 +231,9 @@
 	;  (let ((pos (kde-scan-lists (point) -1 1 nil t))) ; Go up a level
 	;    (goto-char (if pos (+ pos 1) (point-min))))
-        (let ((a (fume-function-before-point)))
-          (and (string-match "^\\(.*\\)::\\(.*\\)$" a)
+        (let ((a (fume-function-before-point))
+	      (functionregexp ""))
+          (if (string-match "^\\(.*\\)::\\(.*\\)$" a)
                  (setq class (match-string 1 a))
                  (setq function (match-string 2 a))
@@ -221,20 +242,34 @@
 		 ; Look for beginning of class ("\\s-+" means whitespace including newlines)
 		  (concat "\\(class\\|struct\\|namespace\\)\\s-+"
-			  "\\([A-Z_]+_EXPORT[A-Z_]*\\)?\\s-+"  ; allow for optional EXPORT macro
+			  "\\([A-Z_]+_EXPORT[A-Z_]*\\s-+\\)?"  ; allow for optional EXPORT macro
 			  class "\\b"                          ; the classname - with word separator
 			  "[^;]+{"                             ; the optional inheritance and the '{'
-			  ) nil t)
+			  ) nil t)                             ; no error, just return nil if not found
+		 ; Look for function - with \\b prepended, unless this is about ~Foo.
+		 (setq functionregexp (kde-function-regexp-quote function))
+		 (and (not (string-match "^~" functionregexp))
+		      (setq functionregexp (concat "\\b" functionregexp)))
                  ;; TODO keep looking, until we find a match that's not inside a comment
-                 (re-search-forward (concat "\\b" (kde-function-regexp-quote function) "[ \t]*(") nil t)))))
+                 (re-search-forward (concat functionregexp "[ \t]*(") nil t))
+	    ; else: not a member method, maybe just a c function
+	    (progn
+	      (setq function a)
+	      (kde-switch-cpp-h)
+	      (goto-char 0)
+	      (re-search-forward (concat "\\b" (kde-function-regexp-quote function) "[ \t]*(") nil t))
+	    )
+	  )
+      )
     (if (string-match "\\.h$" n)
 	  (let ((mup (method-under-point))
 		(sig "")
 		(pos 0))
         (setq namespace (car mup))
-	    (setq class (car (cdr mup)))
-	    (setq function (cdr (cdr mup)))
+	    (setq class (cadr mup))
+	    (setq function (cddr mup))
         ;; First search with namespace prefixed
@@ -270,14 +305,27 @@
   (let* (
 	 (mup (method-under-point))
 	 (namespace (car mup))  ; will contain A::B::
-	 (class (car (cdr mup)))
-	 (function (cdr (cdr mup)))
+	 (class (cadr mup))
+	 (function (cddr mup))
 	 (file (buffer-file-name))
 	 (insertion-string (kde-function-impl-sig namespace class function))
+	 (function-sig (canonical-function-sig function))
 	 (msubstr nil)
 	 (start nil)
 	 (newcppfile nil)
+	 (baseclass nil)
+    ; First, assemble the skeleton text into insertion-string
+    ; At this point it already contains the method signature
+    ; If constructor: add call to base class 
+    (and (stringp class)
+	 (string-match (concat "^ *" class "[ \\t]*(") function-sig) ; constructor
+	 (setq baseclass (baseclass-under-point))
+	 ; TODO: passing the parent parameter if baseclass starts with Q :)
+	 (setq insertion-string (concat insertion-string "\n    : " baseclass "()" )))
+    ; Method body
     (setq insertion-string 
 	  (concat insertion-string "\n{\n"
 		  (replace-in-string kde-make-member-default-impl "FUNCTION" 
@@ -285,7 +333,8 @@
 				     (replace-in-string insertion-string "\n" " " t)
-    ; move to next method, to be ready for next call
+    ; Move to next method, to be ready for next call
     (backward-char)                ; in case we're after the ';'
     (re-search-forward ";" nil t)  ; end of this method decl
     (let ((moveToNext t))
@@ -302,30 +351,30 @@
-    (setq newcppfile (not (cdr (kde-file-get-cpp-h))))
+    ; Switch to .cpp if the declaration was in a header file
     (if (member (file-name-extension file) kde-header-files)
+    ;(setq newcppfile (= (point-max) 1))
     (goto-char (point-max))
     (setq msubstr (buffer-substring (point-at-bol) (point-at-eol)))
-    (if (string-match "^#include.*moc.*" msubstr)
+    (if (string-match "^#include.*moc.*" msubstr) ; TODO refine regexp
 	  (forward-line -1)
-	  (insert "\n")))
-    (if (string-match "}" msubstr)
-	(progn
+	  (insert "\n"))
+    ; else
+      (progn
 	  (insert "\n")
 	  (forward-line 1)
-    (when newcppfile
-      (insert "\n"))
     (insert insertion-string)
     (forward-char -3)
-    (c-indent-defun)   
+    (c-indent-defun)
+    ; Insert #include for the header if necessary
       (and (string-match ".*/" file)
 	   (setq file (replace-match "" t nil file)))

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