[Uml-devel] XMI support in Umbrello

Anna Persson pesn at iki.his.se
Wed Feb 9 05:49:23 UTC 2005

Dear Umbrello developer team,

As part of a research project we have analysed XMI support in nine UML
modeling tools, including Umbrello 1.3.2. At 
http://www.ida.his.se/~pesn/study/Study.pdf a summary of the results of 
our ongoing study is presented.

As shown in the document, the results are rather discouraging for most
of the tools. As our goal is to investigate and report on the state of
XMI interchange at the current time, we felt it important to contact
tool developers for possible input. So, in the context of the results we
would like to ask three questions about XMI support in Umbrello, and 
would appriciate any comments you might wish to make.


- What is the main motivation for using XMI as the saving format in 

- We are somewhat suprised by the results, both for import and export.
Do you have any comment to make on XMI support in Umbrello on the basis 
of the results in our ongoing study?

- Do you have any further comments regarding the results in our ongoing
study, or your own experience of XMI interchange between tools?

We apologise for a short deadline on this, but as we are preparing a
submission to a specific academic conference we would appreciate
feedback by 17th February.

Kind regards,
Anna Persson
Dr. Björn Lundell
University of Skövde

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