[Uml-devel] branches/KDE/3.5/kdesdk/umbrello/umbrello

Oliver Kellogg okellogg at users.sourceforge.net
Sun Aug 28 01:11:01 UTC 2005

SVN commit 454157 by okellogg:

Destructor: This is way too late to call removeAllAssociations().
It should have been called explicitly before destructing the
Here is an example crash that happens if we rely on
removeAllAssociations() at this point:
#4  0x415aac7f in __dynamic_cast () from /usr/lib/libstdc++.so.5
#5  0x081acdbd in UMLCanvasObject::removeAllAssociations() (this=0x89e5b08)
    at umlcanvasobject.cpp:83
#6  0x081ac9fa in ~UMLCanvasObject (this=0x89e5b08) at umlcanvasobject.cpp:29
#7  0x08193ffc in ~UMLPackage (this=0x89e5b08) at package.cpp:35
#8  0x0813cbf6 in ~UMLClassifier (this=0x89e5b08) at classifier.cpp:40
#9  0x081af3a6 in UMLDoc::closeDocument() (this=0x8468b10) at umldoc.cpp:284

 M  +16 -1     umlcanvasobject.cpp  

--- branches/KDE/3.5/kdesdk/umbrello/umbrello/umlcanvasobject.cpp #454156:454157
@@ -26,7 +26,22 @@
 UMLCanvasObject::~UMLCanvasObject() {
-    removeAllAssociations();
+    //removeAllAssociations();
+    /* No! This is way too late to do that.
+      It should have been called explicitly before destructing the
+      UMLCanvasObject.
+      Here is an example crash that happens if we rely on
+      removeAllAssociations() at this point:
+#4  0x415aac7f in __dynamic_cast () from /usr/lib/libstdc++.so.5
+#5  0x081acdbd in UMLCanvasObject::removeAllAssociations() (this=0x89e5b08)
+    at umlcanvasobject.cpp:83
+#6  0x081ac9fa in ~UMLCanvasObject (this=0x89e5b08) at umlcanvasobject.cpp:29
+#7  0x08193ffc in ~UMLPackage (this=0x89e5b08) at package.cpp:35
+#8  0x0813cbf6 in ~UMLClassifier (this=0x89e5b08) at classifier.cpp:40
+#9  0x081af3a6 in UMLDoc::closeDocument() (this=0x8468b10) at umldoc.cpp:284
+     */
+    if (associations())
+        kdDebug() << "UMLCanvasObject destructor: FIXME: there are still associations()" << endl;
 UMLAssociationList UMLCanvasObject::getSpecificAssocs(Uml::Association_Type assocType) {

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