[Uml-devel] adding a choice to the menu

Alan Ezust alan.ezust at gmail.com
Tue Aug 9 18:45:12 UTC 2005

This is a bit of a KDE newbie question - I'm familiar with the way Qt
creates menus and adds them to QApplications, but I don't know how
they're done from KActions.

So I created a new KAction with a name of view_export_all like so:
   KAction(i18n("Export all Diagrams as Images"),
+            SmallIconSet("image"),  0, 
+            0, 0, parent, "view_export_all"), 
And I added a mention of it in the umbrelloui.rc file:

 <Action name="view_export_all"/>

What else needs to be done, to get that thing to show up in the menu?
How were the other items added to the pulldown menus? Where were the
menus defined anyway?


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