[Uml-devel] Re: [Uml-user] Some questions/problems

Jonathan Riddell jr at jriddell.org
Mon May 3 12:02:03 UTC 2004

On Sun, May 02, 2004 at 07:21:26PM +0200, Sebastian Stein wrote:
> Roberto Allende <rallende at hal.famaf.unc.edu.ar> [040502 18:50]:
> > In both cases an IRC would help me and since i have not so much time could
> > be the difference between doing some contribution or not. 
> I don't use IRC and I won't start, because I don't have a flat rate.

IRC is, like coffee, probably a bad habit to get into.  However I'm
currently sitting in #umbrello on freenode so if anyone does want to
use that you can.  It shouldn't take over from this mailing list as
the main developers communication channel though.

Jonathan Riddell

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