[Uml-devel] My apologies for all the bug reports lately

Anthony Parent tonyp at pegasusda.com
Wed Jun 23 09:39:00 UTC 2004

My apologies for all the bug reports lately. I do try to figure out if I 
am doing something wrong or not first.  I also try to see if things are 
fixed in the latest CVS before reporting issues.

I think umbrello is a good tool, I'm just trying to make it better by 
using it as a user and reporting issues I see as I use it.

== Anthony Parent                  Office: (970) 204-9185
== Pegasus Design Automation LLC   Fax   : (970) 204-9184
== 3536 JFK Parkway Suite 1        Email : tonyp at pegasusda.com
== Fort Collins, CO 80525

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