[Uml-devel] kdesdk/umbrello/umbrello

Oliver Kellogg okellogg at users.sourceforge.net
Sun Jun 13 03:48:28 UTC 2004

CVS commit by okellogg: 

1. Move Role_Type from AssociationWidget to namespace Uml, and use the
 Role_Type for all role related accessors (affected classes: UMLAssociation,
 AssociationWidget, MessageWidget.)
2. First preparations for weakening FloatingText's coupling to MessageWidget
 and AssociationWidget:
 FloatingText::setPositionFromMessage: Move to MessageWidget::
 AssociationWidget::{showDialog, setText}: New.
3. Fix bug 83052 (messages in collab. diagram defective.)
 This involved adding initialization of m_PastePoint in the UMLView
 constructor and guarding against repeated insertion of the same object
 in UMLView::addWidget.

  M +59 -118   association.cpp   1.44
  M +40 -140   association.h   1.23
  M +205 -383  associationwidget.cpp   1.102
  M +59 -189   associationwidget.h   1.42
  M +3 -3      assocrules.cpp   1.26
  M +4 -4      classifier.cpp   1.43
  M +6 -6      classifiercodedocument.cpp   1.27
  M +2 -2      classimport.cpp   1.35
  M +10 -10    codegenerator.cpp   1.47
  M +6 -6      codeparameter.cpp   1.10
  M +20 -66    floatingtext.cpp   1.44
  M +0 -5      floatingtext.h   1.18
  M +97 -92    messagewidget.cpp   1.30
  M +12 -22    messagewidget.h   1.15
  M +6 -6      ownedcodeblock.cpp   1.12
  M +6 -16     umlcanvasobject.cpp   1.21
  M +6 -6      umldoc.cpp   1.155
  M +5 -0      umlnamespace.h   1.29
  M +73 -65    umlview.cpp   1.142
  M +8 -8      codegenerators/adawriter.cpp   1.20
  M +8 -6      codegenerators/aswriter.cpp   1.13
  M +8 -8      codegenerators/classifierinfo.cpp   1.6
  M +25 -25    codegenerators/cppwriter.cpp   1.18
  M +10 -10    codegenerators/idlwriter.cpp   1.17
  M +20 -20    codegenerators/javawriter.cpp   1.19
  M +8 -6      codegenerators/jswriter.cpp   1.12
  M +4 -4      codegenerators/phpwriter.cpp   1.15
  M +5 -5      codegenerators/sqlwriter.cpp   1.10
  M +13 -13    codegenerators/xmlschemawriter.cpp   1.14
  M +1 -9      dialogs/assocpage.cpp   1.8
  M +28 -28    dialogs/assocrolepage.cpp   1.13

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