[Uml-devel] kdesdk/umbrello/umbrello

Oliver Kellogg okellogg at users.sourceforge.net
Sun Apr 25 00:34:03 UTC 2004

CVS commit by okellogg: 

Preparations for further work on bugs.kde.org #56184:

clone(): Make abstract in UMLObject. Normalize signatures.
UMLObject::clone(): Do not clone the parent package.
saveToXMI(): Make abstract in UMLObject. Return type is void.
UMLObject::save(): New. Saves the common XMI parts such as xmi.id, name, etc.
 Implementations of saveToXMI() call this to create the QDomElement to which
 they save their specialized XMI.
load(): Reimplement in child classes intead of loadFromXMI().
UMLAssociation constructor: Remove the UMLDoc* parent arg. There is
 only _one_ UMLDoc in the entire umbrello. This can be retrieved using

  M +10 -10    actor.cpp   1.8
  M +9 -3      actor.h   1.9
  M +10 -9     artifact.cpp   1.8
  M +11 -6     artifact.h   1.11
  M +44 -32    association.cpp   1.42
  M +11 -8     association.h   1.22
  M +3 -1      associationwidget.cpp   1.95
  M +4 -8      attribute.cpp   1.10
  M +8 -7      attribute.h   1.16
  M +7 -12     class.cpp   1.30
  M +10 -13    class.h   1.24
  M +0 -20     classifier.cpp   1.37
  M +3 -14     classifier.h   1.28
  M +3 -4      classifierlistitem.h   1.8
  M +2 -2      classimport.cpp   1.30
  M +10 -9     component.cpp   1.10
  M +12 -6     component.h   1.13
  M +12 -16    datatype.cpp   1.5
  M +7 -10     datatype.h   1.4
  M +5 -11     enum.cpp   1.7
  M +7 -7      enum.h   1.8
  M +4 -9      enumliteral.cpp   1.4
  M +7 -8      enumliteral.h   1.5
  M +16 -1     interface.cpp   1.17
  M +7 -5      interface.h   1.16
  M +10 -9     node.cpp   1.7
  M +9 -7      node.h   1.10
  M +5 -11     operation.cpp   1.18
  M +8 -7      operation.h   1.16
  M +10 -17    package.cpp   1.16
  M +5 -9      package.h   1.14
  M +5 -9      stereotype.cpp   1.11
  M +9 -7      stereotype.h   1.7
  M +5 -9      template.cpp   1.8
  M +5 -3      template.h   1.10
  M +1 -1      umlattributelist.cpp   1.3
  M +0 -8      umlcanvasobject.cpp   1.20
  M +5 -5      umlcanvasobject.h   1.15
  M +1 -1      umlclassifierlistitemlist.cpp   1.3
  M +6 -12     umldoc.cpp   1.140
  M +28 -24    umlobject.cpp   1.30
  M +31 -2     umlobject.h   1.30
  M +4 -5      umlrole.cpp   1.16
  M +10 -2     umlrole.h   1.13
  M +10 -11    usecase.cpp   1.7
  M +10 -4     usecase.h   1.8

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