[Uml-devel] Umbrello 1.2.1 packages for kde 3.1 on SuSE 9.0

Miguel Angel Alvarez maacruz at navegalia.com
Tue Apr 20 23:40:22 UTC 2004


I have just compiled umbrello 1.2.1 for kde 3.1 on SuSE 9.0
You can download the rpms from

I have two screenshots too (on kde 3.1), one from version 1.1.1 and the other 
from 1.2.1
They are from the same file. It seems umbrello 1.2.1 has some trouble placing 
the text on associations, since it prints the text very displaced sometimes.

If you have any trouble, please email me so i can retry to send them by email

Best regards.

Don't see the world trought a window, be open{source}minded, and be free :-)

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