[Uml-devel] kdesdk/umbrello/umbrello
Oliver Kellogg
okellogg at users.sourceforge.net
Fri Apr 9 10:29:06 UTC 2004
CVS commit by okellogg:
Apply ScaledPrintFixed.diff by Achim Spangler.
M +60 -1 umlview.cpp 1.129
--- kdesdk/umbrello/umbrello/umlview.cpp #1.128:1.129
@@ -168,5 +168,4 @@ UMLDoc* UMLView::getDocument() const {
void UMLView::print(KPrinter *pPrinter, QPainter & pPainter) {
int height, width;
- int offsetX = 0, offsetY = 0, widthX = 0, heightY = 0;
//get the size of the page
QPaintDeviceMetrics metrics(pPrinter);
@@ -194,4 +193,6 @@ void UMLView::print(KPrinter *pPrinter,
//now draw to printer
+#if 0
+ int offsetX = 0, offsetY = 0, widthX = 0, heightY = 0;
// respect the margin
pPainter.translate(marginX, marginY);
@@ -242,4 +243,62 @@ void UMLView::print(KPrinter *pPrinter,
+ // be gentle - as described in Qt-Doc "The Coordinate System"
+ pPainter.save();
+ int diagramHeight = rect.height();
+ // + 4+fontHeight between diagram and footline as space-buffer
+ // + 2 between line and foot-text
+ // + 1 for foot-line
+ // + fontHeight for foot-text
+ // ==============
+ // (2*fontHeight) + 7
+ int footHeight = (2*fontHeight) + 7;
+ int footTop = rect.y() + diagramHeight + 4+fontHeight;
+ int drawHeight = diagramHeight + footHeight;
+ // set window of painter to dimensions of diagram
+ // set window to viewport relation so that x:y isn't changed
+ double dScaleX = (double)rect.width()/ (double)width;
+ double dScaleY = (double)drawHeight/ (double)height;
+ // select the scaling factor so that the larger dimension
+ // fits on the printer page -> use the larger scaling factor
+ // -> the virtual diagram window has some additional space at the
+ // shorter dimension
+ double dScaleUse = ( dScaleX > dScaleY )?dScaleX:dScaleY;
+ int windowWidth = (int)ceil(dScaleUse*width);
+ int windowHeight = (int)ceil(dScaleUse*height);
+ kdDebug() << "drawHeight: " << drawHeight << ", width: " << rect.width()
+ << "\nPageHeight: " << height << ", PageWidht: " << width
+ << "\nScaleY: " << dScaleY << ", ScaleX: " << dScaleX
+ << "\ndScaleUse: " << dScaleUse
+ << "\nVirtualSize: Width: " << windowWidth << ", Height: " << windowHeight
+ << "\nFoot Top: " << footTop
+ << endl;
+ // set virtual drawing area window - where diagram fits 100% in
+ pPainter.setWindow( rect.x(), rect.y(), windowWidth, windowHeight );
+ // set viewport - the physical mapping
+ // --> Qt's QPainter will map all drawed elements from diagram area ( window )
+ // to printer area ( viewport )
+ pPainter.setViewport( marginX, marginY, width, height );
+ // get Diagram
+ getDiagram(QRect(rect.x(), rect.y(), windowWidth, diagramHeight), pPainter);
+ //draw foot note
+ QString string = i18n("Diagram: %2 Page %1").arg( 1).arg(getName());
+ QColor textColor(50, 50, 50);
+ pPainter.setPen(textColor);
+ pPainter.drawLine(rect.x(), footTop , windowWidth, footTop);
+ pPainter.drawText(rect.x(), footTop + 3, windowWidth, fontHeight, AlignLeft, string);
+ // now restore scaling
+ pPainter.restore();
// next painting will most probably be to a different device (i.e. the screen)
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