[Uml-devel] kdesdk/umbrello/umbrello

Oliver Kellogg Oliver.Kellogg at t-online.de
Sun Sep 28 07:19:04 UTC 2003

CVS commit by okellogg: 

Clean up inheritance among document classes.
Open issue: Ancestry of UMLAttribute (see remark in attribute.h)

  M +2 -1      actor.cpp   1.5
  M +3 -3      actor.h   1.6
  M +2 -1      artifact.cpp   1.5
  M +3 -3      artifact.h   1.8
  M +6 -13     association.cpp   1.20
  M +4 -2      attribute.cpp   1.5
  M +11 -2     attribute.h   1.9
  M +2 -2      class.cpp   1.14
  M +4 -4      classifierlistitem.cpp   1.2
  M +2 -2      classifierlistitem.h   1.3
  M +1 -1      classimport.cpp   1.7
  M +2 -1      component.cpp   1.6
  M +3 -3      component.h   1.9
  M +2 -4      node.cpp   1.4
  M +3 -11     node.h   1.7
  M +6 -6      operation.cpp   1.10
  M +2 -3      package.cpp   1.5
  M +3 -3      package.h   1.7
  M +6 -2      stereotype.cpp   1.7
  M +5 -3      stereotype.h   1.3
  M +5 -2      template.cpp   1.4
  M +5 -3      template.h   1.6
  M +3 -10     umlcanvasobject.cpp   1.11
  M +1 -10     umlcanvasobject.h   1.9
  M +52 -77    umldoc.cpp   1.74
  M +6 -5      umldoc.h   1.36
  M +5 -2      umlobject.cpp   1.10
  M +19 -4     umlobject.h   1.21
  M +1 -1      umlrole.cpp   1.7
  M +2 -1      usecase.cpp   1.4
  M +3 -3      usecase.h   1.5
  M +3 -3      dialogs/classattributespage.cpp   1.9
  M +4 -1      dialogs/classifierlistpage.cpp   1.3
  M +1 -1      dialogs/classifieroperationspage.cpp   1.5
  M +2 -2      dialogs/classtemplatespage.cpp   1.4
  M +2 -2      dialogs/operationpropertiespage.cpp   1.5
  M +1 -1      dialogs/umloperationdialog.cpp   1.17
  M +3 -1      plugins/umlwidgets/packagewidget.cpp   1.4

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