[Uml-devel] kdesdk/umbrello/umbrello/codegenerators

Brian Thomas thomas at mail630.gsfc.nasa.gov
Mon Sep 15 12:26:04 UTC 2003

CVS commit by thomas: 

bug fix.. allow class declaration to consider 'implements' for interfaces

  M +22 -21    javaclassdeclarationblock.cpp   1.6

--- kdesdk/umbrello/umbrello/codegenerators/javaclassdeclarationblock.cpp  #1.5:1.6
@@ -109,22 +109,34 @@ void JavaClassDeclarationBlock::updateCo
         // write inheritances out
-        UMLClassifier *concept;
         UMLClassifierList superclasses =
-                        c->findSuperClassConcepts(parentDoc->getParentGenerator()->getDocument());
-        if(superclasses.count()>0)
-                startText.append(" extends ");
+                        c->findSuperClassConcepts(parentDoc->getParentGenerator()->getDocument(), UMLClassifier::CLASS);
+        UMLClassifierList superinterfaces =
+                        c->findSuperClassConcepts(parentDoc->getParentGenerator()->getDocument(), UMLClassifier::INTERFACE);
+        int nrof_superclasses = superclasses.count();
+        int nrof_superinterfaces = superinterfaces.count();
+        // write out inheritance
         int i = 0;
-        for (concept= superclasses.first(); concept; concept = superclasses.next())
+        if(nrof_superclasses >0)
+                startText.append(" extends ");
+        for (UMLClassifier * concept= superclasses.first(); concept; concept = superclasses.next())
-                if(i>0)
+                if(i != (nrof_superclasses-1))
                         startText.append(", ");
-// FIX
-// Q: Where is 'implements' ??
+        // write out what we 'implement'
+        i = 0;
+        if(nrof_superinterfaces >0)
+                startText.append(" implements ");
+        for (UMLClassifier * concept= superinterfaces.first(); concept; concept = superinterfaces.next())
+        {
+                startText.append(parentDoc->cleanName(concept->getName()));
+                if(i != (nrof_superinterfaces-1))
+                      startText.append(", ");
+                i++;
+        }
         // Set the header and end text for the hier.codeblock
@@ -144,15 +156,4 @@ void JavaClassDeclarationBlock::init (Ja
-// FIX : for implements..
-        // connect to modified signal of parent object. NOTE IF we 
-        // implement the "implements" part, we will need to connect
-        // to the modified signal of each of the parent classes to
-        // our class, which is problematic. WHy? because the associations
-        // can be changing all of the time and we dont necessarily want
-        // to have to keep track of all of that.
-// note: next line not needed CONNECT already done by parent class
-        // connect(c,SIGNAL(modified()),this,SLOT(syncToParent())); 

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