[Uml-devel] Forward: REMINDER: CVS is frozen for everything but bugfixing
Jonathan Riddell
jr at jriddell.org
Tue Oct 28 16:35:08 UTC 2003
Just incase anyone missed this.
Only a bit over a month to go until KDE 3.2 is due for release and
Umbrello 1.2 along with it.
We've got a few release critical beasties but it should be plenty of
time to fix them I think.
----- Forwarded message from Stephan Kulow <coolo at kde.org> -----
Just a friendly reminder: the cvs HEAD is frozen for features
and string changes.
Excluded from string freeze: pure bug fixes in the strings (e.g.
errors in the strings that would lead to user errors)
Not excluded: systematic style guide or grammar fixes (there was
enough time for that).
As usual: if you're in doubt, post your patch on kde-core-devel
(or kde-i18n-doc for string changes).
I'd welcome if you could shift your concentration on regressions
and bugs that have severity >= major in bugzilla (on your own
scale of course). There will always be bugs, so there is little point
risking new bugs while fixing not so important bugs :)
Greetings, Stephan
P.S.: Read http://kde.ground.cz/tiki-index.php?page=Bug+Triage :)
P.P.S. The tag is KDE_3_2_0_BETA_1
There may be no I in TEAM, but a M and an E.
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----- End forwarded message -----
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