[Uml-devel] Introduction

John Ratke jratke at comcast.net
Fri Oct 3 07:04:06 UTC 2003

Hello Umbrello Developers,

I figured I should introduce myself.  My name is John Ratke.  I have 
been hacking on KDE cvs only since about April of this year, so I am 
still a bit of a novice. 

As far as my "qualifications" are concerned, I graduated in 1999 from 
the Milwaukee School of Engineering with a degree in Computer 
Engineering.  One of my favorite classes was Software Engineering, where 
we used Rational Rose to do some design work.  We made a nice GUI 
independent design, and then I was able to port the program to Qt in my 
spare time.  :-)

Some books I have read include:
The C++  Programming Language (3rd ed.), Stroustrup
Design Patterns, GoF
Design Patterns Explained, Shalloway/Trott
Refactoring, Martin Fowler
Applying UML and Patterns, Craig Larman  (the text book for the Software 
Engineering course).
Code Complete, Steve McConnell
Rapid Development, Steve McConnell
The Pragmatic Programmer, Hunt and Thomas

Anyway, I just wanted to introduce myself and say I will be using 
umbrello and trying to help out where I can.



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