[Uml-devel] Bugs (wishes?)]

Harald Wallus wallus at results-hannover.de
Thu Nov 6 01:16:02 UTC 2003

Harald Wallus wrote:

>>>> The problem which I have:
>>>> I can't set the package of a class. The package line in the 
>>>> properties of a class is grey and I can't write into.
>>> With a bit of luck you should be able to drag classes into packages on
>>> the list view, the same as you can with folders.
>> This is that what I tried, but it didn't won't. Today I have no luck 
>> :(((
> Oh,  I've luck. I just create a second package, a dummy package, then 
> I can put the second class into my packages.
> It looks to me, that the drop place is a bit different from the mouse 
> pointer.

The package treetment is not well at this time. The best way to use it is:

- Create package.
- Mark that packages on the left-tree-window.
- Then create a new interface or class.

This new interface or class will be in that marked package.
To move a class with drag and drop on the left-tree-window works 
somtimes (looks to me),
 if you have one more  package and/or no class in destination package. 
(your moved package will be the first).

It will be nice to have a combo-box in the class-gui to choose an 
existing packages.


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